Clinics & Services

To Keep You Healthy We Also Provide The Following Services:- 

Chronic Disease Management - patients with asthma, epilepsy, heart disease, chronic bronchitis (COPD), and diabetes can be seen by our Practice nurses or healthcare assistants to monitor treatment/wellbeing.  Please make an appointment.

Health Promotion Activities - Well Man/Woman, Dietary Advice - By appointment only with our Practice nurses or healthcare assistants in any of their routine surgeries.

Cervical Smears - By the Practice Nurses.  A repeat smear is advised every 3 – 5 years for most women. 

Child Immunisations – By appointment with a nurse in her weekly clinic. 

Post-Natal & Baby Check - By appointment only with GP only.

Maternity Medical Services - are provided by all our doctors.  Patients who find themselves newly pregnant can self-refer for maternity care by telephoning 0151 247 4747.

New Registration Check-Up - When you register with the Practice, we ask that you attend an appointment for a routine health check with a Practice nurse.

Elderly Check-Up - Patients over 75 can be seen annually for a routine health check by our Practice nurses.

B12 Injections - Please note, our Practice Nurses continue to administer these on any one of their routine appointments.